Frequently asked Questions
- Is it necessary to book an appointment prior to visiting the law office?
Due to the workload of the individual attorneys of our office it is unfortunately impossible to provide clients with legal aid while they wait. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the office secretariat in person, by telephone, or via e-mail and arrange a meeting in advance.
- What should I bring to the first meeting with the attorney?
It is a well-proven fact that printed background material tells much more about the client’s case than a long discussion. Therefore it is advisable to bring such printed material that could be, even if remotely, related to the case the client wishes to be looked at. From this material the attorney then selects such a part which is necessary for the particular legal service.
- Which method is used to establish the remuneration for the services the law office has provided?
Attorney’s remuneration is generally established by the fixed remuneration of attorneys. However, attorneys working in our office prefer an agreement concerning the remuneration, which is concluded between them and the client upon the case take-over. In general, it is necessary to pay the attorney a deposit for remuneration for providing the legal service, and this is continually complemented throughout the cooperation with the attorney upon his or her request. The deposit should be paid already when booking an appointment with the attorney. Clients are always informed in detail about what remuneration is charged for individual operations within the legal service and what the total costs related to representation of the client will be.
- Can I be represented by an attorney from your office at the court in another town?
This is not ruled out but it is necessary to arrange it in person with the particular attorney and to discuss the increased time and financial demands of such a legal service.
- Can you confirm categorically that you can assume my representation in a specified dispute?
It is not possible to give a resolute answer based on fragmentary information usually communicated over the phone regarding a specific case. The content of every dispute must be discussed with the attorney at a personal meeting. In this context please bear in mind that the attorney is obliged to decline representing the client if the other party is someone who has previously used or is currently using services of our law office. Therefore the attorney should be informed at the very beginning who the other party to the dispute is and whether there is a threat of a potential conflict of interests.
- Can you provide me with legal aid without a personal meeting, e.g. by means of email?
Our office communicates with our clients not only in person but naturally uses also all modern forms of communication. At the same time, however, we respect conservative values, which form the basis of a relationship between the client and the attorney. The relationship is built on trust between the client and the attorney. We believe that to be able to establish a relationship full of trust both parties need to meet in person and therefore we prefer personal contact with the client, especially upon taking over their representation.
- What are the opening hours of the law office?
The office is open daily from 8am. Every Monday and Thursday we are open until 5pm, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 4pm. On Fridays we finish at 1pm. Times outside of these hours are possible upon personal arrangement with the attorney.
- 1.What is the best way to contact my attorney?
It might happen that sometimes your attorney is not reachable by phone. This is caused by the fact that the attorney is negotiating with another client, is at the court, or at an interrogation with a client at the police, and therefore cannot be attending to you at the moment. In such a case the best solution is to send an e-mail to your attorney about how to contact you and the attorney will get in touch with you as soon as possible.